Rialtas na hEireann Government of Ireland
Rialtas na hEireann Government of Ireland
Cómhaoinithe ag an Aontas Eorpach

Nuachtlitir Bhliantúil KCETB 2024

The Phelans

KCETB has published its Annual Newsletter 2024 that documents a busy year of activities across its schools, centres and offices.   The newsletter reflects a busy calendar packed with sporting fixtures,  concerts, plays, awards ceremonies, open days, and learner events among the many initiatives that contributed to a packed 12 months as we embraced a… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh KCETB Annual Newsletter 2024

Seolann OTOD agus BOOCCC céimeanna treasacha

South East Technological University (SETU) and Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB) have launched four tertiary degrees aimed at increasing progression from further to higher education outside of the traditional points system. These degrees will create a pathway for KCETB’s Further Education and Training (FET) graduates in four-degree areas. The four areas on… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh SETU and KCETB launch tertiary degrees

Seoladh straitéisí éifeachtacha chun dul i ngleic le daoine óga agus chun tacú leo

NEET Research Report and toolkit launch. Supported by KCETB, SETU, Foroige

Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board Youth Office (KCETB) was delighted to partner with South East Technological University (SETU) to launch an insightful and innovative research report entitled “I feel like I am heard” in SETU, Carlow on 21 March 2024. The report explored the experiences of young people and what good youth work… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh Launch of effective strategies for engaging and supporting young people

“Rath iontach” – Críochnaíonn tionscnamh Leabhar Amháin Scannán Amháin do Chách go buacach

Mosaic and Glass Artist Helen McLean from Wexford with her WolfWalkers-inspired mosaic she created for the One Book One Film for All project. She is pictured with Tomm Moore, founder of Cartoon Saloon and co-director of WolfWalkers and KCETB Chief Executive Eileen Curtis

“A huge success”. That’s the feedback on One Book One Film for All, the family learning project conceived and organised last month by Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB) in collaboration with Cartoon Saloon.   The initiative, that used the Cartoon Saloon book and movie WolfWalkers as a family learning initiative with a… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh “A huge success” – One Book One Film For All initiative ends on a high

Déanann céimithe SDOG Chill Chainnigh ceiliúradh i stíl

VTOS Kilkenny held its annual awards ceremony this week where recipients were presented with certificates in QQI, City & Guilds and attendance certificates in areas ranging from QQI (Quality qualifications Ireland) Level 3 Certificates in General Learning to Level 5 Awards in eBusiness, Information Processing, Art Craft & Design and Furniture Making. VTOS Kilkenny is operated by Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB). Photo; Mary Browne

(27 November, 2023) – The Ormonde Hotel was a fitting venue last week for the VTOS (Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme) Kilkenny graduates of 2022/23 to celebrate their awards.   Over 50 participants received awards in a wide range of disciplines, including Art, Craft & Design, Furniture Design, Information Processing and eBusiness.  It was an occasion… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh VTOS Kilkenny graduates celebrate in style

Tugann Enya léiriú den scoth ar The Late Late Toy Show

Enya Cox singing at last December's Music Generation Kilkenny' 'Sing Out' concert in St. Canice's Cathedral, Kilkenny City.

(27 November, 2023) – A Music Generation Kilkenny student was the star of last Friday’s Late Late Toy Show with a solo musical performance that many say stole the show.   Enya Cox (13yrs) from Castlecomer brought the house down with a rocking performance of the Olivia Rodrigo hit ‘Vampire’ as the finale to Friday’s… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh Enya gives star performance on Late Late Toy Show

Tugann BOOCCC urraim dá bhfostaithe a chuaigh ar scor ag ócáid speisialta

(16 November, 2023) – Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB) this week held a special event for retired employees to acknowledge their service and thank them for their hard work and dedication in providing education services to the Kilkenny and Carlow region.   KCETB directors and school principals gave heart-felt citations outlining the… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh KCETB honours its retired employees at special event

Is í Fiona an chéad phrintíseach leictreach baineann a bhain céim amach ó BOOCCC

The first female electrical apprentice to graduate from Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB), and a World Skills Winner, were among 119 apprentices from Kilkenny and Carlow who graduated this week at a special ceremony at SETU Sports Arena in Waterford.   The National Apprenticeship Awards 2023 for the south-east region saw Fiona Manning… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh Fiona is first female electrical apprentice to graduate from KCETB

Freastalaíonn 96 mac léinn de chuid BOOCCC Chill Chainnigh ar Oiliúint Chomhairle na Mac Léinn

Ninety-six students from seven Kilkenny schools benefited from a special training day this week aimed at making their voices heard so they can make meaningful contributions to decision-making for the benefit of their fellow students and their schools.   The one-day course was organised by Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB) for students… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh 96 Kilkenny KCETB students attend Student Council Training

Freastalaíonn 60 mac léinn de chuid BOOCCC Chill Chainnigh ar Oiliúint Chomhairle na Mac Léinn

Sixty students from five Carlow schools benefited from a special training day this week aimed at making their voices heard so they can make meaningful contributions to decision-making for the benefit of their fellow students and their schools.   The one-day course was organised by Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB) for students… Lean ar aghaidh ag léamh 60 Carlow KCETB students attend Student Council training

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