Rialtas na hEireann Government of Ireland
Rialtas na hEireann Government of Ireland
Co-Funded by the European Union

I am looking for a course

FET is for everyone!

Use the FET course finder to begin your journey towards finding the right course for you. Further Education and Training (FET) is for anyone who is over 16yrs, out of second-level education, and who wants to learn new skills or develop existing skills to get the right job, progress to third-level education or to support the achievement of personal goals.

Funding available for FET courses

A range of funding opportunities are available to learners, depending on their personal circumstances.

Evening Classes in Kilkenny and Carlow

Courses for Autumn 2024 can be accessed by clicking the below button

Not sure of the right course for you?

The Adult Guidance Service offers support in making decisions about future learning and/or career progression. It also provides support to learners throughout their learning journey with KCETB's FET and/or other education, training or employment options.

Supports for learners

Our FET services ensure that learners are supported throughout their learning journey with KCETB. We endeavour to embed the values of equality, inclusivity and fairness across all our programmes.
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