Tá an oibríocht seo á comhchistiú ag Rialtas na hÉireann agus ag an Aontas Eorpach
This operation is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union
Rialtas na hEireann Government of Ireland
Co-Funded by the European Union
Tá an oibríocht seo á comhchistiú ag Rialtas na hÉireann agus ag an Aontas Eorpach
This operation is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union

Customer Service Action Plan

The twelve principles

The following sets out the twelve principles, as approved by the Government on which Kilkenny and Carlow ETB Customer Service initiatives are based and outlines what we will do in order to put these principles into action.

Quality Service Standards

KCETB is committed to publishing a Customer Service Charter that outlines the nature and quality of service which customers (internal and external) can expect and deserve.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:

1.1Ensure that all customers are kept fully informed of the standards of service they can expect to receive from KCETB. This will be done through making available a copy of our Customer Charter in all KCETB’s public offices, schools and centres
1.2Ensure that a digital copy of the Customer Charter and Customer Service Action Plan is available to download from KCETB’s website (www.kcetb.ie)
1.3Commit to delivering the actions outlined in the Customer Service Action Plan and produce a report for publication in the Annual Report
1.4Provide training on quality customer service to staff in an effort to build a culture of excellence in customer service at KCETB. In particular, training will be made available to staff who have specific external customer-facing roles on a regular basis

The following standards will be adhered to:


Visitor to our offices, schools and centres

  • We will ensure that visitors are seen punctually during normal office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) and are dealt with promptly and efficiently
  • We will treat all of our customers in a polite, courteous and fair manner
  • We will ensure that all enquiries are dealt with promptly and efficiently
  • We will provide facilities which are safe and maintained to a high standard
  • We will respect your privacy and confidentiality


Telephone calls

  • We will be available to answer telephone calls during normal office hours (9am to 5pm, Mon-Fri)
  • We will endeavour to answer all calls promptly, identifying ourselves and our area of work
  • We will be polite, helpful, and do our best to provide clear and correct information
  • If we cannot provide the right information straight away, we will take the customer’s details and call them back
  • We will only connect callers to voicemail when the person they wish to speak to is unavailable, and we will endeavour to respond to voicemail messages within one working day


Letters sent to KCETB

  • We aim to acknowledge receipt of all postal correspondence within five working days of receipt, and issue a substantive reply to a query within 20 working days
  • Where this is not possible, we will advise on the reasons for the delay
  • We will provide a contact name, address and telephone number in all correspondence issued
  • We will write as clearly and simply as possible, keeping technical terms to a minimum. If we use technical terms or acronyms, we will explain them



  • We will endeavour to acknowledge all correspondence within three working days and will endeavour to reply within five working days or less
  • We will ensure that all our email correspondence includes a contact name, telephone number and email address
  • If a customer query needs to be forwarded to another service or centre within KCETB, we will inform the customer we have done so and to whom the query has been forwarded
  • We will write clearly and simply, avoiding technical terms as much as possible
  • Each staff member will have an email signature containing contact information on their correspondence
  • Where a staff member is absent for two or more days, they will use an ‘out of office’ email that provides an alternative contact



  • We will endeavour to ensure that the information on our website is clear and accurate, and that any technical terms and acronyms will be explained as appropriate
  • We will provide all necessary information, forms and publications on our website that can be accessed at your convenience
  • We will make sure our website meets accessibility standards


If a customer is not happy

  • We will deal with any complaint in an open and objective manner
  • Formal complaints will be acknowledged within five working days and responded to within 20 working days
  • If the nature of the customer complaint is complex, we will let them know the extended timeframe required

Equality and Diversity

KCETB is committed to delivering a quality service to all our customers and we will endeavour to ensure that no one is discriminated against because of their gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, disability, race or membership of the Traveller community. We will accommodate diversity and work to make our services more accessible for people experiencing poverty and social exclusion.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:


2.1Raise awareness of the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty, familiarise our staff with their obligations in this regard, and provide equality/diversity training as appropriate
2.2Continue to comply with Section 25 of the Disability Act 2005, which requires all government departments and agencies to ensure that parts of their buildings are, as far as practicable, accessible to persons with disabilities, or make appropriate alternative arrangements as required
2.3Seek funding to appoint an EDI Officer (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) for KCETB
2.4Ensure that our Communications Strategy includes methods of communication to ensure access to information to people of all literacy/language levels
2.5Set up a Public Sector Equality and Human Rights working group
2.6Ensure that appropriate education supports are in place for refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants, members of the traveller community etc. when they attend our schools/centres.
2.7Ensure that the diverse needs of our students are accommodated, to the greatest extent possible, within the services offered, including support for issues which impact on learning within our schools and centres
2.8Continue to provide flexible working hours and a range of working options in line with relevant legislation
2.9Continue to review and develop our recruitment and selection practices in line with relevant legislation and best practice

Physical Access

KCETB is committed to providing clean, safe, accessible public buildings, providing private spaces for meeting with customers when required, or where appropriate.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:

3.1Comply with Section 25 of the Disability Act 2005, requiring all government departments and agencies to ensure that parts of their buildings are, as far as practicable, accessible to persons with disabilities, or make appropriate alternative arrangements as required
3.2Carry out Health and Safety audits on our buildings to ensure that they are clean, comfortable and comply with occupational health and safety standards
3.3Continue to be proactive in applying to the Department of Education (DE) for funding to improve the standard of our schools
3.4Prioritise the delivery of infrastructural projects, including new buildings and/or extensions, to meet modern education and training needs.
3.5Continue to be proactive in applying to SOLAS for funding to improve the standard of our Further Education and Training centres
3.6Prioritise the highest environmental standards with regard to new builds (NZEB rating etc.)
3.7Ensure that risk assessments are carried out where appropriate and that staff safety is maintained in all schools and centres
3.8Ensure that SNAs have access to appropriate training
3.9Ensure each school/centre/building has adequate parking facilities
3.10Ensure there are floor markings where required in all our buildings
3.11Ensure that we have specialist equipment where required and that staff are provided with instruction, information and training as necessary


KCETB is committed to providing information that is clear, timely and accurate and that meets the requirements of people with specific needs.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:


4.1Redesign the KCETB website to make it more accessible and user-friendly
4.2Review the staff portal to ensure it is up-to-date and features all relevant staff information
4.3Review and realign our use of social media as a tool to provide timely updates on services
4.4Continually review forms, brochures and information leaflets available to the public to ensure that they use plain English, are easy to understand and to complete
4.5Use multiple ways for the distribution of information to staff, students and learners and the public, through online, social media and published channels
4.6Ensure our staff are aware of our communications and social media policies and the relevant requirements within the policies that impact on our internal and external communications
4.7Develop a marketing strategy for our courses and services, to include the distribution of marketing material, ensuring that our services and courses are being marketed to the appropriate audiences and in relevant locations
4.8Develop and publish a brand guideline manual for KCETB to support the development of a strong and consistent brand and culture for the organisation
4.9Make available a list of up-to-date contact details for key KCETB staff through the staff portal
4.10Review the external signage outside our buildings to ensure that it is accurate and useful for internal and external customers


Timeliness and courtesy

KCETB is committed to delivering quality services with courtesy, sensitivity and the minimum delay.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:

Point Actions
5.1 Ensure that customers are treated with courtesy and that enquiries are dealt with promptly and efficiently
5.2 Ensure that all telephone communications with the office are dealt with in an efficient, timely and courteous manner
5.3 Ensure that all staff members provide their name and section when answering telephone calls
5.4 Ensure that voicemail messages are updated regularly and that all voicemail messages are responded to within three working days
5.5 Ensure that contact details are provided on all written or e-mail communications
5.6 Acknowledge receipt of written communications within a specific timeframe. If it is not possible to deal with the matter promptly, an interim reply will be issued
5.7 Provide training on quality customer service to staff in an effort to build a culture of excellence in customer service at KCETB. In particular, training will be made available to staff who have specific external customer-facing roles on a regular basis


KCETB will maintain a well-publicised, accessible, transparent and simple-to-use system of dealing with complaints about the quality of service provided or decisions taken in relation to services. We will ensure that our staff are supported and consulted with regard to service delivery issues.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:

Point Actions
6.1 Deal with all complaints within the timeframes set in our Complaints Procedure
6.2 Publicise the Customer Service Complaints Procedure on our staff portal and website and ensure it is easy to access
6.3 Ensure that all complaints are treated promptly, fairly, impartially and in confidence
6.4 Process all complaints in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation
6.5 Monitor complaints to ensure that future services are improved where necessary
6.6 Adhere to the Procedure for Processing Complaints made by Parents/Guardians of Students or by Adults Learner(s) 2018 where there is a  complaint made by a parent/guardian of a student or adult learner against a staff member, and make all parties involved aware of the procedure


KCETB will maintain a formalised, well-publicised, accessible, transparent and simple-to-use system of appeal/review for customers who are dissatisfied with decisions in relation to services.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:





Handle all appeals within the timeframes set in our Customer Complaints Procedure


Ensure that all appeals are treated promptly, fairly, impartially and in confidence


Records of appeals will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation


Ensure that feedback from the Customer Appeals Procedure is kept under review

Consultation and Evaluation

KCETB is committed to listening to its stakeholders – internal and external. It values opportunities for consultation and engagement with staff, students and learners and external stakeholders and understands that this consultation will ensure that our services are delivered to a higher standard. This consultation is important in both the development and the evaluation of our services.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:

Point Actions
8.1 Develop customer feedback mechanisms, including use of online feedback tools and focus group sessions where staff can interact and share ideas (including students/learners and parents)
8.2 Consult with stakeholders on an ongoing basis in order to develop and enhance the services provided
8.3 Promote a culture of continuous improvement within the organisation
8.4 Seek feedback from our customers on the quality of the services we provide and report on our performance in our Annual Report
8.5 Ensure that the feedback from all consultation processes is analysed and actions undertaken to ensure progressive improvement
8.6 Regularly measure and evaluate performance against commitments in our Customer Charter


KCETB will continue to seek opportunities to provide choice in service delivery, where feasible, including flexibility with regard to the delivery of courses. We will use available and emerging technologies to ensure access and choice and quality of delivery.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:

Point Actions
9.1 Expand the range of transactions that can be carried out online so that customers can access services when it is convenient for them.
9.2 Ensure the availability of multiple contact options within the organisation, including telephone, email and website addresses
9.3 Examine new technology in order to develop convenient alternative ways of interacting with members of staff
9.4 Explore alternative teaching and training methods, including online provision, to increase flexibility and access for learners

Official Languages

KCETB will continue to provide quality services through Irish and English and will make every effort to accommodate customers who wish to conduct their business through the medium of Irish.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:


10.1Comply with the requirements of the Official Languages Act 2003
10.2Make every effort to accommodate people who wish to conduct their business through the medium of Irish and indicate this in our Customer Charter
10.3Ensure that the Annual Report, Strategy Statement and other information publications and key policy documents produced by, or on behalf of, KCETB are available in Irish
10.4Continue to maintain our website in the Irish and English language
10.5Ensure that signage in our schools/centres/offices is displayed in Irish and English, as specified in the Irish Language Act 2003
10.6Implement the actions outlined in KCETB’s Scéim Teanga
10.7Comply with the Official Languages Act Section 10.1a from October 2022 in relation to advertising
10.8Support members of staff who wish to develop their Irish language skills


KCETB will work to develop a more co-ordinated and consistent approach to delivery of our services across all departments in the organisation.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:



Continue to develop an integrated approach to the delivery of our services, including co-operation with local statutory, voluntary and community groups


11.2Provide details of departments and services on our staff portal and website so that customers know who to contact
11.3Provide an induction programme for new staff to ensure that they are given information on our organisation and its services
11.4Encourage cross-functional working across departments so that staff understand the role they play in the lifecycle of service delivery. This will ensure more integrated service provision for customers
11.5Encourage effective communication across departments, through increased opportunities for face-to-face and online meetings with colleagues in other departments

Internal Customer

KCETB considers its staff the organisation’s greatest asset. As internal customers of KCETB, staff will be supported and consulted with regarding service delivery issues. Furthermore, KCETB staff will be afforded the same level of courtesy and professionalism by their colleagues that is expected for our external customers.

KCETB will carry out the following actions:

Point Actions
12.1 Ensure that the standards that apply to external customers apply to internal customers
12.2 Promote a culture of respect for diversity and difference amongst staff
12.3 Continue to produce a staff newsletter so that staff are informed of developments and initiatives occurring across the organisation
12.4 Organise specific information sharing sessions across departments in KCETB
12.5 Maintain an up-to-date staff portal for staff information and knowledge sharing
12.6 Continue to formally recognise the contribution of staff on their retirement from KCETB through the organisation of a celebratory event
12.7 Ensure all members of staff are treated with dignity and respect
12.8 Adopt a culture of responding to queries from colleagues as quickly and as accurately as possible, within the response timeframes set out
12.9 Regularly assess our buildings to ensure that they are fit-for-purpose and comfortable for staff, students and learners and that they comply to health and safety legislation
12.10 Build networks and communities of practice to support capacity building and sharing of good practice
12.11 Support the well-being of staff through a range of services
12.12 Develop an annual Continuous Professional Development (CPD) plan for the organisation that promotes learning for all.
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