Tá an oibríocht seo á comhchistiú ag Rialtas na hÉireann agus ag an Aontas Eorpach
This operation is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union
Rialtas na hEireann Government of Ireland
Co-Funded by the European Union
Tá an oibríocht seo á comhchistiú ag Rialtas na hÉireann agus ag an Aontas Eorpach
This operation is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union

I am a community and voluntary group

What is Community Education?

Community education is a process of learning and change. It takes place within the community and is based on the needs of individuals and their communities. It offers flexible, learning options for people in their own local areas.

Community Education with KCETB
Friends hands together

What does Community Education provide?

The community education service facilitates and supports community-based education classes for a range of groups in local centres throughout Kilkenny and Carlow. Courses are provided in collaboration with various community groups, such as women’s groups, disability groups, active retirement groups and local development groups.

What you need to apply

There are many tutors available and every effort will be made to meet the needs and requirements of the group, but it may not always be possible to meet the exact criteria of what each group requires. In such cases, suggestions will be made for suitable alternatives.


What is needed once approval has been given

To apply, please contact Siobhan or Fiona at your local
community education office to discuss your needs.

Carlow Office

Kilkenny Office

About Community

KCETB’s community education service supports the delivery of a broad range of education programmes in partnership with community providers/groups. Commitment towards the promotion and facilitation of lifelong learning, social inclusion and social/personal development in local communities is central to KCETB’s community education service.

Core principles of Adult and Community Education:

  • Lifelong Learning (lifelong, life-wide and voluntary/self-motivated)
  • Equality
  • Inter-culturalism
  • Active and social inclusion (addressing marginalisation)
  • Developmental participation
  • Reflective practice
  • Collective community advancement/empowerment
  • Fostering personal development
  • Combatting social isolation
  • Addressing social and education disadvantage

Community education programmes start with the lived experience of the learners and are located in their daily and social lives. Groups and individuals are facilitated in their learning and diverse learning needs and styles are supported. Community education places a strong emphasis on self-directed learning and critical thinking, where learners are provided with opportunities to experience success in their learning endeavours. Learner centredness, inclusiveness, community cohesion and collective participation are fundamental to community education programmes.

What community groups say

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